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  • Writer's pictureCady


Fa la la la 'tis the season for joy and merriment...! Right?!

Well, if you're a parent it might also being the season of stress and overwhelm...

Maybe you're feeling one a little bit more than the other this season. Maybe you're levels of merriment and stress fluctuate day to day, hour to hour. Raise your hand if any of that sounds a tad relatable (*raises hand while typing this*).

Put your hand down and take a deep breath... because you're not a bad parent for feeling this way. You're a human trying to manage a lot of expectations and responsibilities during a really farking crazy time of year.

Oh! And you're not alone.

Last December the University of Michigan released a national poll report about parental stress during the holiday season. Ready for some of these stats??

  • 18% of parents polled said their stress level was HIGH during the holidays

  • Moms were twice as likely to feel stressed than dads

  • 1 in 4 parents felt they unrealistic expectations of THEMSELVES

  • 20% felt that their sress levels negatively impacted their children's holiday enjoyment

Oof! This is a time of year that’s supposed to bring us feelings of joy and contentment. While we are probably experiencing those feelings- we're also feeling really burnt out and exhausted. We're putting a lot of pressure on ourselves; especially us moms.

If you're thinking "okay great, Cady.... where's the good part about how to de-stress...?" Hang with me- it's coming.

Parents in the poll also said the number one way to reduce the holiday stress was to spend time alone.

Spend time alone, doing something *you* enjoy gives an opportunity to recalibrate. Stepping away from the hustle and to do lists, even just for a little bit, can alleviate some of that holiday stress.

Give yourself the gift of alone time this holiday season. Go grab a hot drink and wonder a book store. Go to the winter market or holiday play. Do something for yourself. Something you enjoy....

I realize that it's not always easy for parents to get alone time. Maybe your

kids are home full or part time and you don't have a family support system you can use.

Consider hiring outside help. A babysitter or nanny can provide your kids with professional, reliable care while you're out of the house. And a mother's helper can be an amazing extra set of hands and eyes while you're a home.

Whether you hire a babysitter come over for an afternoon or mother’s helper to come for a couple hours. Give yourself the gift of alone time.

I'm wishing everyone less stress and more merriment this holiday season!

If you have any questions about hiring child care this holiday season head here to see how I can help.

Find the poll here.

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