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  • Writer's pictureCady

Preparing your Nanny or Babysitter for an Emergency Situation.

Updated: Mar 8, 2023

This is a really important, and often overlooked, conversation to have with your nanny, babysitter or even a relative.

As a parent I understand why:

  • No one wants to think of the worse case scenario.

  • No parent wants to imagine their child hurt.

  • If you're already a parent who feels some level of anxiety around their child getting hurt- this conversation could particularly hard.

  • You don’t want to seem like “that” parent- the over protective parent dumping “too much information” on the person watching your kid.

Those are true and valid feelings.

While we don't want to think about our child in an emergency situation it’s better to have a plan and procedures in place than not. As a childcare provider and parent I can honestly tell you that having this conversation will:

  • Alleviate most of those feelings.

  • Bring everyone a sense of comfort.

  • Be appreciated by your nanny or babysitter because it’s valuable information to know.

From a nanny and babysitter perspective I feel more self assured and prepared when I know a family's emergency plan. I know exactly how to handle the situation because the family was clear about their emergency plan and procedures.

In turn gives you, the parent, peace of mind. You feel confident knowing the person watching your child(ren) is prepared to handle an emergency; big or small.

Let's be honest. Accidents happen. Especially when it comes to tiny humans learning how to manuever and control their bodies.

So, yes this conversation might feel uncomfortable. But the benefits drastically outweigh any uncomfortable feelings.

p.s. please keep in mind that if an accident doesn't occur while someone is watching your child(ren) it doesn't mean that person wasn't doing their job. Make sure to find time after to talk with your nanny or babysitter about what happened and how to prevent it from happening again- if possible.



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