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  • Writer's pictureCady

What is a Child Care Consultant?

Starting child care can bring up a range of emotions for parents. After working in the industry for over a decade I have talked with parents through a huge range of concerns and worries.

  • Concern over finding a provider who will be the right fit for their family.

  • Anxiety about leaving their child with another caregiver.

  • Uncertainty about to expect.

  • Overwhelmed about where to start in the process.

  • Excitement at the prospect of reclaiming some time for themselves.

  • Worry about how their child will transition (and how they'll adjust).

If any of those struck a chord you're not alone!

After years in the industry I've realized that a lot of these worries and concerns come from one place; a lack of preparedness. Which makes sense. If you don't feel prepared for the process you won't feel confident moving through it.

When I worked in the industry, especially as a nanny, I noticed something over and over again. There's an expectation from providers for parents to understand how the industry operates. Or that parents should know various etiquettes and industry standards.

Over time I realized that wasn't fair for parents. The child care industry can be complex. There's a lot take into consideration depending on what type of child care a family chooses.

And how are you supposed to know which on to choose? Once you do choose do you move forward, what standards should you know, what questions should you ask, what should you expect?

The things is; there's no child care instruction pamphlet out there for parents. There's no roadmap or guide book.

Parents don't just know everything there is to know about child care if they've never been through the process. And even when they have mistakes might be made, there might still be questions to ask or concerns to address.


This is why a child care consultant is such a valuable asset for parents. Child care consultants are professionals who specializes in the industry. Basically.. they have the insider insight parents need but don't always have access to. They use their extensive knowledge to guide and educate parents.

Finding, hiring and maintaining child care can seem like a daunting process. But it really, truly does not have to be! I swear. I see so many parents who feel overwhelmed and frustrated by various aspect of child care. Which, honestly, really sucks to see. Because when you find the right child care, when you feel confident in your decision, when you're prepared, when you know how to effectively communicate then your family can have an amazing experience.

It might just take working with a child care consultant, like myself, to get to that point.

Here's brief outline of some topics a family might want to discuss with during a 1:1 session.

  • Where to start the childcare search & how to write an effective job listing.

  • Assist in identifying parenting styles, philosophies and management styles.

  • Pin pointing specific needs and expectations in order to choose the right type of childcare.

  • Interview preparation including pre interview etiquette, customized questions and follow up.

  • Industry standards.

  • Creating and upholding boundaries.

  • How to address and work through communication issues.

  • Techniques to manage transitions for both parents and child.

  • How to maintain a healthy and effective relationship with your provider.

  • Organizing emergency information, daily tasks and activities and pertinent child and household information

1:1 session are customized to your family's specific needs. These sessions will give you the peace of mind you deserve, and desire, when it comes to child care.

Are you ready for your 1:1 session? Click here to sign up for a call!

If you have any questions about my work as a child care consultants you can leave a comment below! Or send an email to


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